Food and Agriculture

ATL helps businesses improve their food supply chain thereby, protecting their brand identity.

Food safety and standards are crucial for all stakeholders associated with the manufacturing and distribution of food products and services. We understand that businesses handling fresh farm produce like fruits and vegetables or convenience foods face challenges in supplying food products within the short timespan to consumers and the threat of microbiological activities. With the increasing demand for fresh farm products or convenience foods, businesses constantly need to evaluate their food safety practices and deliver safe and quality products to the contemporary world.

ATL works at every stage of the food supply chain, including farm sources, production, processing, and delivery, providing intelligent and client-centric solutions making a positive impact on your business with a good understanding of domestic and international standards and regulations.

We provide comprehensive testing services, including analysis for physical and chemical parameters, microbiological testing, nutritional analysis, shelf life, allergen testing, meat species identification, food packaging, etc. Analytical Technology Laboratory also provides auditing services relevant to the organization’s area of expertise to meet your certification requirements.


Partner With Us

We offer comprehensive food and agriculture testing services to help businesses meet defined regulations.